Hyundai Confirmed EREV System, to be Premiered by GV70 & Santa Fe

by Aug 28, 2024All News, Electric Vehicle, Genesis, Hyundai, Slider0 comments

hyundai confirmed erev development

A few days ago we were talking about Hyundai plans to develop and release an Extended Range Electric Vehicle (EREV), to help in the transition into a full EV market. Now on behalf of 2024 CEO Investor Day, Hyundai shared more details of how the system works and which will be the first model to use it.

A New Approach to Electric Vehicles

For some time now, Hyundai Motor has been navigating the complexities of the electric vehicle market through the development and release of hybrid vehicles. However, relying solely on hybrid technology in a market where the future of EVs remains uncertain posed significant challenges. The introduction of EREV technology is set to be a game-changer for Hyundai Motor, offering a new avenue to meet consumer demands and stay competitive in the ever-evolving automotive industry.

Understanding EREV: How It Differs from Traditional Hybrids

EREVs share a similar configuration with the hybrid cars currently available on the market, featuring an internal combustion engine (ICE), an electric motor, and a battery pack. However, the key difference lies in the role each component plays in the vehicle’s operation.

In traditional hybrid vehicles, the electric motor and battery pack serve as auxiliary systems, with the ICE primarily responsible for generating the driving force. In contrast, EREVs shift the balance of power significantly. The internal combustion engine’s role is reduced to that of a generator, recharging the battery pack, while the electric motor becomes the primary source of propulsion.

This shift in function means that while driving an EREV, the ICE can activate to recharge the battery pack, eliminating the need for frequent stops at charging stations. This capability allows EREVs to achieve driving ranges exceeding 1000 kilometers—more than double that of many current electric vehicles. Additionally, because EREVs require smaller battery packs compared to fully electric vehicles, the overall cost of these vehicles can be reduced, making them more accessible to a broader range of consumers.

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900km range for those who suffer of range anxiety

The Future of Hyundai Motor’s EREV Technology

Hyundai Motor’s decision to integrate EREV technology into its vehicle lineup represents a significant step forward in its commitment to sustainability and innovation. With the Hyundai Santa Fe and Genesis GV70 leading the charge, and plans to extend EREV technology to electric pickup trucks by 2028, the company is positioning itself as a leader in the next generation of electric vehicles.

As the automotive industry continues to evolve, Hyundai Motor’s EREV technology offers a promising solution to the challenges of electric mobility. By combining the benefits of electric propulsion with the convenience of an internal combustion engine, EREVs are poised to offer consumers the best of both worlds: the long-range capability of traditional vehicles and the environmental benefits of electric cars.


The post-2026 release of Hyundai’s first EREV models marks a significant milestone in the company’s journey towards sustainable mobility. With the Hyundai Santa Fe and Genesis GV70 leading the way in the United States, and C segment vehicle in China, Hyundai Motor is not only responding to the current demands of the EV market but also paving the way for the next generation of automotive technology.

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Written by Jose Antonio Lopez

Passionated about Korean cars from Hyundai, Kia & Genesis. Photographer. I love being in nature, hiking. Tech lover.