Kia SuperBowl Ad Starring Blake Griffin & New Optima
NBA All-Star Blake Griffin is back in a series of four new Kia SuperBowl television commercials for South Korea’s carmaker best-selling Optima midsize sedan, and he’s bringing his signature brand of satirical comedy with him. [ads id=”0″...
New 1.6 GDi Engine for Hybrid Cars Revealed
The new Kappa 1.6-liter GDI engine is designed to boost power, performance and fuel economy, while driving down production costs and CO2 emissions in the growing mid-class hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) segments. [ads...
New Generation Hyundai EV Powertrain
With the launch of a new generation Hyundai EV powertrain, the South Korean carmaker plans to launch an all-electric vehicle capable to be used for longer distances. Hyundai Motor Group showcased its new EV powetrain in South Korea last week. [ads id=”0″...