Hyundai Takes Top Honors In Brand Keys 2014 Customer Loyalty Engagement Index

by May 12, 2014All News, Hyundai, Technical


Hyundai’s continued dedication to its customers earned them the No. 1 (tied) spot in the automotive category in the Brand Keys 2014 Customer Loyalty Engagement Index©. Brand Keys, a New York-based brand, customer loyalty and engagement consultancy, publishes this annually-syndicated study that examines customers’ relationships with 555 different brands in 64 categories. 2014 marks the fourth year in a row in which Hyundai took the top spot in the automotive category.


“Hyundai continues to top our automotive category due to their understanding of how to exceed customer expectations with model after model,” said Robert Passikoff, president, Brand Keys. “Hyundai delivers consistently high levels of emotional engagement for their brand and for their customers by leveraging class-leading technologies, all while providing real brand value.”


For the Brand Keys 2014 survey, 32,000 consumers self-selected the categories in which they are consumers and the brands for which they are customers. Assessments fused rational and emotional aspects of the categories to identify the behavioral drivers of brand loyalty and customer engagement and gauges how well each brand met or exceeded consumers’ expectations in their respective categories.

“Every new vehicle in Hyundai’s lineup is designed and engineered to go above and beyond what our customers expect from their vehicles,” said Steve Shannon, vice president, Marketing, Hyundai Motor America. “It is very rewarding to see that our unwavering commitment to providing our customers with the quality products they deserve results in long-term customer loyalty.”


Automotive brands rounding out the top of the list in the 2014 index are: Ford (tied for No.1), Lexus/Jeep/Mercedes (tied for No.2), Subaru/BMW (tied for No.3), Toyota (No.4) and GM (No.5). For a complete 2014 Customer Loyalty Engagement Index, visit


Written by Erick Uceda

Blogger, Photographer, Car Enthusiast, HanFest - KDM Car Show, Streetkiaz Texas Chapter Leader, Husband and Father. Some of the activities I enjoy doing everyday.