StreetkiaZ helping American Red Cross

by Feb 6, 2012All News, Kia

On January 28 the StreetkiaZ Group came to help Southwest Kia Dealer group raise some money to help American Red Cross by donating 10 dollars for each test drive customer do on the Kias they brought.

The group had a lot of fun driving and putting to the test the Kia Optima Turbo, Kia Soul, Kia Koup and Kia Sorrento. The dealer also set up a free food, DJ and clown giving some ballons to the kids who were playing on the bouncy house. We also had the participation from The Range radio station KHYI 95.3

Its very hard to predict the weather in state of Texas, we had a very cold weather the whole morning but didn’t stop the StreetkiaZ group from supporting Southwest KIA dealer group and of course American Red Cross. The StreetkiaZ group had a special parking location for all the customer to check out the all the possibilities KIA can be customize to.

After the customers ran the course prepared by StreetkiaZ during the 4hrs, it was time for the StreetkiaZ group to test drive their cars and put every performance modification to the test!! and here are some of the pictures from their take off.

This event sure left some good memories not only for the event, autocross course or even the after party (whoever was able to come) but i’m sure the group felt also good for helping raising money for a great cause, and for sure StreetkiaZ group will do it again anytime.

Enjoy the gallery!!

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Written by Erick Uceda

Blogger, Photographer, Car Enthusiast, HanFest - KDM Car Show, Streetkiaz Texas Chapter Leader, Husband and Father. Some of the activities I enjoy doing everyday.