New 1.6 GDi Engine for Hybrid Cars Revealed
The new Kappa 1.6-liter GDI engine is designed to boost power, performance and fuel economy, while driving down production costs and CO2 emissions in the growing mid-class hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) segments. [ads...
Kia Soul Turbo and Soul AWD in the Works
We recently received a tip that Kia made an announcement at the past KMA Dealer Show which confirms the launching of two new variants of its extremely popular Kia Soul for the year 2016. We asked Kia Motors Corporation General Manager, Michael Choo, to comment about...
Hyundaiforum.de VIP Calendar Shooting 2015
Two weeks ago, our friends from the german Hyundaiforum.de had a photoshooting for their 2016 Calendar. 12 of the finest (different) cars from Germany, The Netherland, Austria and Switzerland met up in Germany. [ads id=”0″...