Interview: Rockford Pojono – Kia Sportage
Here you have our next Interview, in this opportunity we have and a very special car from an special friend, Rockford from Indonesia and his Kia Sportage, telling us his story of how he tranformed his Sportage into an incredible SUV inspired by Kia’s Provo...
Interview: Tatiana Golovleva – Hyundai Genesis Coupe
Here we go with another great Interview, in this opportunity we have another girl racer driver and driving instructor, Tatiana from Russia and her Genesis Coupe, telling us her story of how she became a race driver and drive everyday at one of the most desire tracks...
Interview: Nils Weinberg – 2013 Hyundai Genesis Coupe 3.8 MT
Since we’ve introduced in this world of bloggers with The Korean Car Blog in 2010, we have opted for the Interview, the curious thing is how this idea was created. When I met Erick, he has the idea about to create a space where owners can share his creations and...